Buy it Today - Get it Today!
"Come Visit!"
We are located at 199 Colonnade Road in Nepean. We have served the 3D printing community for more than 10 years. We sell 3D printers for Home and Office. We also carry a huge line of 3D printer filaments and accessories.

We are Ottawa's most complete retail outlet for 3D equipment and supplies. We are always happy to offer free demonstrations and introduce you to the huge line of 3D equipment and filaments that we carry.
We offer 3D printers from as low as $295.00

We have assembled 3D printers for starting at $299.95 in stock and ready to take home. Click here for details
Once you find the printer that's right for you, we are happy to show you how it works and how to maintain it If you are new to 3D Printing.
Envirolaser 3D stocks hundreds of 3D filaments and accessories. Visit us today and choose the perfect filament for your 3D projects. Click here to see our complete line of filaments.

Unlike online stores, Envirolaser 3D offers local technical support. If you have any problems with any product we have qualified technicians to service and support your 3D printer.
Envirolaser 3D is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and by appointment on weekends. Please give us a call at (613) 225-4726. One of our qualified service agents would be happy to answer any of your questions regarding 3D printing.